A. Nation - Author
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A. Nation Author | Promote Your Page Too
   I grew up in North Idaho, went to the Couer d' Alene junior college. From there I attended the
University of Idaho to study Commercial Art. There I met my husband who became an electrical
engineer. We headed east and south for his work and I found jobs in the insurance field. Later,
I attended Idaho State University to complete my Bachelor's degree in Computer Information Systems.
I then bought into a screen print shop and did everything. I was a one woman show, proving that you
don't need five guys to print tshirts. I live in the town of Blackfoot, Idaho which has about 12,000
people. I then acquired a commercial embroidery machine with 12 needles to do business logos and
personal items.

    I'm retired and love writing. I have always read books throughout my growing years and even
when I continued on in college to major in Computer Information Systems. I have worked in various
office locations following my husband wherever he worked. I've used my skills to develop designs for
screen printing and embroidery that I did for twenty years.

   I enjoy writing realistic science fiction and urban fantasy mysteries. Because I am interested in
future science, I can write about no one I know and still have fun with the characters.
I have 13 books out and self-published through ebook companies of Books2Read, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords,
Kindle, Lulu, and paperback through Amazon. I have published some spiral bound blank journals through Lulu.
In my weebly blog, I have several steps to help guide a new author in Word to format their manuscript.

   What motivates me? A story I may read in the newspaper, political idiocy, a situation that
happened in history, or just anything that I can twist the perspective around to present a parable style that
mimics today's issues. I don't write torrid romance, but I do bring you to the edge of several. My stories are
based on my knowledge of how people interact, and on the movies and books I have read, until I go into the bizarre.

   In November 2015-2019 I have participated in National Writing Month what some call nanowrimo
The goal is to write 50,000 words in thirty days. I wrote the first in my UF series, "Where Did They Go?" in
eleven days. I usually write and publish three novels a year with free or 99 cent short stories you can find on
Smashwords or on my webpage, anationauthor.com


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